FCC Rules for Consumer Ownership of Cable Television Converter Boxes
(too old to reply)
2004-05-01 07:50:48 UTC

The FCC has adopted an order revising its rules regarding the
commercial availability of navigation devices (e.g cable
television set-top boxes).

The Order on Reconsideration affirms and refines rules adopted
in 1998 to allow for consumer purchase and ownership of navigation
devices. This order furthers the goal of providing competition in
the telecommunications marketplace by creating a market for
consumers to own equipment used to access video programming and
other services in their homes.

In Telecommunications Act of 1996, Congress directed the FCC to
create rules that would allow consumers to obtain "navigation devices"
-- meaning set top boxes, remote control units and other equipment
-- from commercial sources other than their multichannel programming
service provider.


Subpart P--Competitive Availability of Navigation Devices

Sec. 76.1201 Rights of subscribers to use or attach navigation

No multichannel video programming distributor shall prevent the
connection or use of navigation devices to or with its multichannel
video programming system, except in those circumstances where
or physical harm would be caused by the attachment or operation of
devices or such devices may be used to assist or are intended or
designed to assist in the unauthorized receipt of service.


Sec. 76.1202 Availability of navigation devices.

No multichannel video programming distributor shall by contract,
agreement, patent right, intellectual property right or otherwise
prevent navigation devices that do not perform conditional access
or security functions from being made available to subscribers from
retailers, manufacturers, or other vendors that are unaffiliated with
such owner or operator.


Sec. 549. Competitive availability of navigation devices

(a) Commercial consumer availability of equipment used to access
services provided by multichannel video programming distributors
The Commission shall, in consultation with appropriate industry
standard-setting organizations, adopt regulations to assure the
commercial availability, to consumers of multichannel video
programming and other services offered over multichannel video
programming systems, of converter boxes, interactive communications
equipment, and other equipment used by consumers to access
video programming and other services offered over multichannel video
programming systems, from manufacturers, retailers, and other vendors
not affiliated with any multichannel video programming distributor


Telecommunications Act of 1996
(104th Congress - Senate Bill S.652)
http://thomas.loc.gov/home/c104query.html [S.652.ENR]


- The Commission shall, in consultation with appropriate industry
standard-setting organizations, adopt regulations to assure the
commercial availability, to consumers of multichannel video
programming and other services offered over multichannel video
programming systems, of converter boxes, interactive
communications equipment, and otherequipment used by consumers
to access multichannel video programming and other services
offered over multichannel video programming systems, from
manufacturers, retailers, and other vendors not affiliated
with any multichannel video programming distributor.

Such regulations shall not prohibit any multichannel video
programming distributor from also offering converter boxes,
interactive communications equipment, and other equipment
used by consumers to access multichannel video programming and
other services offered over multichannel video programming systems,
to consumers, if thesystem operator's charges to consumers for such
devices and equipment are separately stated and not subsidized by
charges for any such service. --

(this means that Congress is telling the FCC to makes rules that allow
consumers to purchase their own cable boxes.)

(copied and pasted from google archives)
Hü©k Hö§hïmötö !
2004-05-01 15:19:32 UTC
Post by c***@hotmail.com
Oh God, another cable company cocksucker!!!!
2004-05-01 15:32:56 UTC
Sony has announced a line of DCR (digital cable ready) television sets going
on sale this Summer. This means "plug 'n play" digital television from
cable. No more rented cable company boxes for authorized cable channels.
There can be no serious doubt that this will greatly spur the sale of
digital television sets.
Post by Hü©k Hö§hïmötö !
Post by c***@hotmail.com
Oh God, another cable company cocksucker!!!!
2004-05-02 07:02:05 UTC
Call someone who gives a flyin' fuck!
Thats a sore spot about the Icom R-3 Video rcvr....it STOPS at
2.450Gigs....while the Television and law enforcement community are
at 2.450 to 2.500Ghz!! Why Icom did that is crazy. ...Eddie
I'm beginning to wonder if the law (FCC regulations or government
reguations) made them do that. Because I read an archived newsgroup
post that said something like "make no mistake about it. This is by
design so that you can not see these frequencies".
How true that post is or not, I don't know.
But I can kind of imagine it being true.
and I don't really doubt that it's true.
although I can't say for sure.
United States Code (U.S.C.):
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 119 > Sec. 2510.

''readily accessible to the general public'' means, with respect
to a radio communication, that such communication is not -

transmitted on frequencies allocated under part 25, subpart D, E, or F
of part 74, or part 94 of the Rules of the Federal Communications
Commission, unless, in the case of a communication transmitted on a
frequency allocated under part 74 that is not exclusively allocated to
broadcast auxiliary services, the communication is a two-way voice
communication by radio;

http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/18/2510.html ---

Part 74: Subpart F: Television Broadcast Auxiliary Stations
Sec. 74.602 Frequency assignment.

Band A MHz


(1) Frequencies shown above between 2450 and 2500 MHz in Band A are
allocated to accommodate the incidental radiations of industrial,
scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment, and stations operating
therein must accept any interference that may be caused by the
operation of such equipment. Frequencies between 2450 and 2500 MHz
are also shared with other communication services and exclusive
channel assignments will not be made, nor is the channeling shown
above necessarily that which will be employed by such other services.


18 USC 2510 declares that Part 74 frequencies are "forbidden" unless
they are Not Exclusive to Part 74, and it is not a voice communcation.
Part 74 Subpart F clearly states that 2450 to 2500 MHz are shared with
other sevices, and it's video, not audio. Therefore, it is NOT illegal
to intercept anything at 2450 and 2500 MHz. ------

PART 94 was removed and designated "Reserved" by order in Docket
No. 94-148, effective August 1, 1996. Part 101 has superseded Part 94.


Sec. 101.101 Frequency availability.

Sec. 101.109 Bandwidth.
2,450 to 2,483.5.......................... 625 KHz \2\
2,483.5 to 2,500.......................... 800 KHz
\2\ 1250 KHz, 1875 KHz, or 2500 KHz on a case-by-case basis.

Subpart H: Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service

Subpart I: Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service

Scanners & Communication Recievers that tune to the 2.5Ghz band:

Yaesu VR-5000,

AOR AR8600 Mark II,

AOR AR5000+3B,

2004-05-04 19:29:25 UTC
Note: reposted due to forged cancel. Reposted from orginal message
that was posted to another newsgroup, the person doing the cancels
will need to delete this message from the other newsgroups
Police in the north Detroit suburb are looking for someone who is
using a device to broadcaston the same frequency as a Burger King
drive-through speaker, the person has interrupted business
transactions three times, with obscene remarks to startled customers.
A voice boomed out of the outdoor speaker: "There's nothing you or
the police can do about this, so get ... back inside and
take your goons with you. Police suspect the calls are being made
by a radio transmitter or walkie-talkie near the restaurant.
(dead link snipped)

Burger King (drive-thru) customers told: 'You are Too Fat to have a Whopper'
Police believe teenage pranksters are hacking into the
wireless frequency of a US Burger King drive-through speaker to
tell potential customers they are too fat for fast food.
The offenders are reportedly tapping into the wireless frequency
at the restaurant in Troy, Michigan. Police believe the culprits
are watching and broadcasting from close range.

The frequency pairs marked with an "*" are either odd or missing.

Headset/Speaker frequency pairing for VHF-low / VHF-high band:

Speaker Headset

30.840 - 154.570
31.000 - 170.305
31.240 - ???.??? (151.745 or 151.775 or 151.805 or 151.835)
31.400 - 154.515 *
33.140 - 151.895
33.140 - 170.305 *
33.160 - 154.515
33.400 - 154.540
33.400 - 154.570 *
35.020 - 154.490 *
35.020 - 151.895 *
35.020 - 154.600
35.120 - ???.??? (151.745 or 151.775 or 151.805 or 151.835)
35.880 - ???.??? (151.745 or 151.775 or 151.805 or 151.835)
35.960 - ???.??? (151.745 or 151.775 or 151.805 or 151.835)

Headset/Speaker frequency pairing for VHF-high band:

Speaker Headset

151.715 - 169.445
151.775 - 171.905
154.570 - 170.245
154.600 - 171.105

154.600 - 170.245 *

Headset/Speaker frequency pairing for UHF band:

Speaker Headset

457.5125 - 467.7375
457.5250 - 467.7500
457.5375 - 467.7625
457.5500 - 467.7750
457.5625 - 467.7875
457.5750 - 467.8000
457.5875 - 467.8125
457.6000 - 467.8250
457.6125 - 467.8375

457.5125 - 468.4875
457.5250 - 467.8250 *
457.5375 - 468.3875
457.6000 - 467.7500 *
462.7625 - 467.8875

460.8875 - 465.8875
461.0375 - 466.0375
461.0875 - 466.0875
461.1125 - 466.1125
461.2875 - 466.2875
461.5375 - 462.1625 *
461.5375 - 466.5375
462.1625 - 467.1625
464.9625 - 469.9625
464.9875 - 469.9875

469.0125 - 464.0125
469.0375 - 464.0375
469.0625 - 464.0625
469.0875 - 464.0875
469.1125 - 464.1125
469.1375 - 464.1375
469.1625 - 464.1625
469.1875 - 464.1875
469.2125 - 464.2125
469.2375 - 464.2375
469.2625 - 464.2625
469.2875 - 464.2875
469.3125 - 464.3125
469.3375 - 464.3375
469.3625 - 464.3625
469.3875 - 464.3875

Headset/Speaker frequency pairing for ISM band Wide FM (3M Headsets):

Speaker Headset

920.0125 - 903.0125
920.0250 - 903.0250
. .
. .
921.0000 - 904.0000
. .
. .
921.9750 - 904.9750
921.9875 - 904.9875

Headset/Speaker frequency pairing for ISM band (HM Electronics):

Speaker Headset

902.0125 - 926.0125
902.0250 - 926.0250
. .
. .
903.0000 - 927.0000
. .
. .
903.9750 - 927.9750
903.9875 - 927.9875

The most common frequency pairs to check are:

30.8400 --- 154.5700
31.0000 --- 170.3050
33.1600 --- 154.5150
33.4000 --- 154.5400
35.0200 --- 154.6000
154.5700 --- 170.2450
154.6000 --- 171.1050
457.5125 --- 468.4875
457.5375 --- 468.3875
457.5500 --- 467.7750
457.6000 --- 467.8250
461.0375 --- 466.0375
460.8875 --- 465.8875
461.0875 --- 466.0875
469.0125 --- 464.0125

This list covers most Fast Food chains across the entire US
and parts of Canada.


as of 02/04/2000


Arbys 30.8400 154.5700

31.0000 170.3050

457.5500 467.7750

460.8875 465.8875

461.0375 466.0375

920.7250 WFM 903.7250 WFM

Bakers Dozen Donuts 457.5750 467.9750

Bess Eaton Donut 457.5375 467.7625

Bobs Big Boy 30.8400 154.5700

457.6000 467.8250

Bobs Burger Express 469.0125 464.0125

469.0375 464.0375

469.0625 464.0625

469.0875 464.0875

469.1125 464.1125

469.1375 464.1375

469.1625 464.1625

469.1875 464.1875

469.2125 464.2125

469.2375 464.2375

469.2625 464.2625

469.2875 464.2875

469.3125 464.3125

469.3375 464.3375

469.3625 464.3625

469.3875 464.3875

Bojangles 33.4000 154.5400

Boston Market 33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

Braums 31.0000 170.3050

* 457.6000 467.7500

461.0875 466.0875

461.5375 466.5375

462.1625 467.1625

Burger King (Canada) 30.8400 154.4900

Burger King 30.8400 154.5700

31.0000 170.3050

33.4000 154.5400

457.5500 467.7750

457.5625 467.7875

457.5750 467.8000

457.6000 467.8250

460.8875 465.8875

461.2875 466.2875

461.5375 466.5375

469.0125 464.0125

920.2625 WFM 903.2625 WFM

Burgerville 30.8400 154.5700

Carls Jr 30.8400 154.5700

457.5375 468.3875

457.5500 467.7750

457.5750 467.8000

461.0875 466.0875

Chick Fil A 31.0000 170.3050

Coffee Time (Canada) 920.7375 WFM 903.7375 WFM

Coulters BBQ 31.0000 170.3050

Country Style (Canada) 457.5750 467.8000

Dairy Queen (Canada) 457.5750 467.8000

Dairy Queen 30.8400 154.5700

460.8875 465.8875

461.0875 466.0875

461.5375 466.5375

462.1625 467.1625

920.2625 WFM 903.2625 WFM

Del Taco 35.0200 154.6000

Donut Diner (Canada) 921.2250 WFM 904.2250 WFM

Dunkin Donuts 30.8400 154.5700

33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

457.5500 467.7750

920.2625 WFM 903.2625 WFM

El Mexicano 464.9625 469.9625

El Pollo Loco 33.1600 154.5150

457.5500 467.7750

Foster Freeze 31.0000 170.3050

Hardees 30.8400 154.5700

31.0000 170.3050

35.0200 154.6000

457.5375 467.7625

460.8875 465.8875

461.0875 466.0875

461.1125 466.1125

462.1625 467.1625

469.0125 464.0125

Hot Dog Etc 30.8400 154.5700

31.0000 170.3050

33.1400 151.8950

In-N-Out Burger 33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

Jack in the Box 33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

35.0200 154.6000

457.5125 468.4875

457.5750 467.8000

469.0250 464.0250

James Coney Island 463.9875 468.9875

Kenny Rogers Roasters 469.0125 464.0125

Chicken 920.2875 WFM 903.2875 WFM

Kentucky Fried Chicken 30.8400 154.5700

31.0000 170.3050

33.1400 151.8950

33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

35.0200 154.6000

457.5375 468.3875

457.5875 467.8125

457.6000 467.8250

460.8875 465.8875

461.0875 466.0875

462.1625 467.1625

462.7625 467.8875

464.0875 469.0875

Lick's Burgers (Canada) 921.9370 WFM 904.9370 WFM

Long John Silvers 33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

McDonalds (Canada) 30.5800 154.4900

30.8400 151.6700

30.8400 154.1450

McDonalds 30.8400 154.5700

31.0000 170.3050

33.1400 151.8950

* 33.1400 170.3050

33.4000 154.5400

* 33.4000 154.5700

* 35.0200 151.8950

* 35.0200 154.4900

35.0200 154.6000

151.7150 169.4450

151.7450 UNKNOWN

151.7750 171.9050

151.8650 UNKNOWN

154.5700 170.2450

154.6000 171.1050

* 154.6000 170.2450

457.5125 468.4875

457.5375 468.3875

457.5500 467.7750

457.6000 467.8250

460.8875 465.8875

461.0375 466.0375

461.0875 466.0875

461.3125 466.3125

462.1625 467.1625

463.2875 468.2875

464.5125 469.5125

469.0125 464.0125

469.0625 464.0625

469.1125 464.1125

469.1375 464.1375

469.1625 464.1625

469.1875 464.1875

469.3125 464.3125

469.3375 464.3375

469.3875 464.3875

902.3000 926.4000

920.2000 WFM 903.2000 WFM

920.2625 WFM 903.2625 WFM

920.5000 WFM 903.5000 WFM

920.9625 WFM 903.9625 WFM

921.2250 WFM 904.2250 WFM

921.9000 WFM 904.9000 WFM

Mr. Muggs (Canada) 921.9370 WFM 904.9370 WFM

Mrs Winners Drive-up 30.8400 154.5700

Pit Stop Food & Beverage 457.5375 468.3875

461.0375 466.0375

461.0875 466.0875

Popeyes 33.4000 154.5400

469.0125 464.0125

Rallys 30.8400 154.5700

33.1600 154.5150

457.5375 468.3875

461.0875 466.0875

* 461.5375 462.1625

469.0125 464.0125

Robin's Donuts (Canada) 457.5750 467.9750

Roy Rogers 30.8400 154.5700

33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

457.5375 467.7625

469.0125 464.0125

469.2125 464.2125

Sheetz Gas Station 469.0125 464.0125

Sonic 33.1600 154.5150

Taco Bell (Canada) 30.4000 154.5400

Taco Bell 30.8400 154.5700

31.0000 170.3050

* 31.4000 154.5150

33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

35.0200 154.6000

457.5375 468.3875

457.5500 467.7750

460.8875 465.8875

461.0375 466.0375

461.0875 466.0875

461.5375 466.5375

462.7625 467.8875

464.9625 469.9625

469.0125 464.0125

469.2125 464.2125

Taco Bueno 30.8400 154.5700

461.3125 466.3125

Taco Cabana 33.4000 154.5400

TCBY 457.5500 467.7750

Tim Hortons Donuts(Canada) 30.5800 154.4900

457.5750 467.9750

Wendys 31.0000 171.3050

33.1600 154.5150

33.4000 154.5400

35.0200 154.6000

49.8300 49.8900

457.5125 467.7375

457.5357 467.7625

457.5375 468.3875

457.6125 467.8375

460.8875 465.8875

461.0875 466.0875

461.8125 466.8125

462.1625 467.1625

464.9875 469.9875

469.0125 464.0125

469.2125 464.2125

Whataburger 30.8400 154.5700

* 457.5250 467.8250

457.5500 467.7750

* 457.6000 467.7500

* 457.6125 467.7500

469.0125 464.0125

469.0375 464.0375

469.0625 464.0625

469.0875 464.0875

469.1125 464.1125

469.1375 464.1375

469.1625 464.1625

469.1875 464.1875

469.2125 464.2125

469.2375 464.2375

469.2625 464.2625

469.2875 464.2875

469.3125 464.3125

469.3375 464.3375

469.3625 464.3625

469.3875 464.3875

White Castle 457.6000 467.8250

461.8125 466.8125

Weinerschnitzel 33.4000 154.5400



30.4000 --- 154.5400 Taco Bell(Canada)

30.5800 --- 154.4900 Tim Hortons Donuts(Canada)

30.5800 --- 154.4900 McDonalds(Canada main freq)

30.8400 --- 151.6700 McDonalds(Canada aux. freq)

30.8400 --- 154.1450 McDonalds(Canada aux. freq)

30.8400 --- 154.5700 Arbys, Bobs Big Boy, Burger King, Burgerville,

Carls Jr, Dairy Queen, Dunkin Donuts, Hardees,

Hot Dog Etc, Kentucky Fried Chicken,

Mrs Winners Drive-up, McDonalds,

Rallys, Roy Rogers,

Taco Bell, Taco Bueno, Whataburger

31.0000 --- 170.3050 Arbys, Braums, Burger King, Chick Fil A,

Coulters BBQ, Foster Freeze, Hardees,

Hot Dog Etc, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds,

Taco Bell, Wendys

31.4000 --- 154.5150 * Taco Bell

33.1400 --- 151.8950 Hot Dog Etc, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds

33.1400 --- 170.3050 * McDonalds

33.1600 --- 154.5150 Boston Market, Dunkin Donuts, El Pollo Loco,

In-n-Out Burger, Kentucky Fried Chicken,

Long John Silvers, Rallys, Roy Rogers, Sonic,

Taco Bell, Wendys

33.4000 --- 154.5400 Boston Market, Bojangles, Burger King,

Dunkin Donuts, In-N-Out Burger, Jack in the Box,

Kentucky Fried Chicken, Long John Silvers,

McDonalds, Popeyes, Roy Rogers, Taco Bell,

Taco Cabana, Wendys, Wienerschnitzel

33.4000 --- 154.5700 * McDonalds

35.0200 --- 151.8950 * McDonalds

35.0200 --- 154.4900 * McDonalds

35.0200 --- 154.6000 Hardees, Jack in the Box, Kentucky Fried Chicken,

McDonalds, Taco Bell

151.7150 --- 169.4450 McDonalds

151.7450 --- UNKNOWN McDonalds (Most likely paired with 169.505,

171.045, or 171.845)

151.7750 --- 171.9050 McDonalds

151.8650 --- UNKNOWN McDonalds (Most likely paired with 169.505,

171.045, or 171.845)

154.5700 --- 170.2450 McDonalds

154.6000 --- 171.1050 McDonalds

457.5125 --- 467.7375 Wendys

457.5125 --- 468.4875 Jack in the Box, McDonalds

457.5250 --- 467.7500 PROBABLE FREQUENCY none found yet

457.5250 --- 467.8250 * Whataburger

457.5375 --- 467.7625 Bess Eaton Donuts, Hardees, Roy Rogers, Wendys

457.5375 --- 468.3875 Carls Jr, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds,

Pit Stop Food & Beverage, Rallys,

Taco Bell, Wendys

457.5500 --- 467.7750 Arbys, Burger King, Carls Jr, Dunkin Donuts,

El Pollo Loco, McDonalds, Taco Bell, TCBY,


457.5625 --- 467.7875 Burger King

457.5750 --- 467.8000 Carls Jr, Country Style(Canada), Jack in the Box,

Burger King

457.5750 --- 467.9750 * Bakers Dozen Donuts(Canada),

Tim Hortons Donuts(Canada)

457.5875 --- 467.8125 Kentucky Fried Chicken

457.6000 --- 467.7500 * Braums, Whataburger

457.6000 --- 467.8250 Arbys, Bobs Big Boy, Burger King,

Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, White Castle

457.6125 --- 467.7500 * Whataburger

457.6125 --- 467.8375 Wendys

460.8875 --- 465.8875 Burger King, Carls Jr, Dairy Queen, Hardees,

Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, Taco Bell,


461.0375 --- 466.0375 Arbys, McDonalds, Pit Stop Food & Beverage,

Taco Bell

461.0875 --- 466.0875 Braums, Carls Jr, Dairy Queen, Hardees,

Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds,

Pit Stop Food & Beverage, Rallys, Taco Bell,


461.1125 --- 466.1125 Hardees

461.2875 --- 466.2875 Burger King

461.3125 --- 466.3125 McDonalds, Taco Bueno

461.5375 --- 462.1625 * Rallys

461.5375 --- 466.5375 Braums, Dairy Queen, Burger King, Taco Bell

461.8125 --- 466.8125 Wendys, White Castle

462.1625 --- 467.1625 Braums, Diary Queen, Hardees,

Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, Wendys

462.7625 --- 467.8875 Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell

463.2875 --- 468.2875 McDonalds

463.9875 --- 468.9875 James Coney Island

464.0875 --- 469.0875 Kentucky Fried Chicken

464.5125 --- 469.5125 McDonalds, Wendys

464.9625 --- 469.9625 El Mexicano, Taco Bell

464.9875 --- 469.9875 Wendys

469.0125 --- 464.0125 Bobs Burger Express, Hardees,

Kenny Rogers Roasters Chicken, McDonalds,

Popeyes, Rallys, Roy Rogers,

Sheetz (Gas Station), Taco Bell, Wendys

469.0250 --- 464.0250 Jack in the Box

469.0375 --- 464.0375 Bobs Burger Express, Whataburger

469.0625 --- 464.0625 Bobs Burger Express, McDonalds, Whataburger

469.0875 --- 464.0875 Bobs Burger Express, Whataburger

469.1125 --- 464.1125 Bobs Burger Express, McDonalds, Whataburger

469.1375 --- 464.1375 Bobs Burger Express, McDonalds, Whataburger

469.1625 --- 464.1625 Bobs Burger Express, McDonalds, Whataburger

469.1875 --- 464.1875 Bobs Burger Express, McDonalds, Whataburger

469.2125 --- 464.2125 Bobs Burger Express, Taco Bell, Wendys, Whataburger

469.2375 --- 464.2375 Bobs Burger Express, Whataburger

469.2625 --- 464.2625 Bobs Burger Express, Whataburger

469.2875 --- 464.2875 Bobs Burger Express, Whataburger

469.3125 --- 464.3125 Bobs Burger Express, McDonalds, Whataburger

469.3375 --- 464.3375 Bobs Burger Express, McDonalds, Whataburger

469.3625 --- 464.3625 Bobs Burger Express, Whataburger

469.3875 --- 464.3875 Bobs Burger Express, McDonalds, Whataburger

469.2125 --- 464.2125 Wendys

903.2000 --- 926.2000 McDonalds

920.2000 WFM 903.2000 McDonalds

920.2625 WFM 903.2625 Dairy Queen, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds

920.2875 WFM 903.2875 Kenny Rogers Roasters Chicken

920.5000 WFM 903.5000 McDonalds

920.7250 WFM 903.7250 Arbys

920.7375 WFM 903.7375 Coffee Time

920.9625 WFM 903.9625 McDonalds

921.2250 WFM 904.2250 McDonalds

* Odd frequencies pairing

(CTCSS) PL Tones used

Outside Inside

77.0 162.2

88.5 123.0 Most Common PL Tones used by HM Electronics

100.0 131.8


107.2 141.3

114.8 107.2

114.8 127.3

118.8 110.9 Most Common PL Tones used by Panasonic


162.2 173.8

114.8 127.3



30.7600 30.8000 30.8400 30.8800 30.9200 30.9600 31.0000 31.0400 31.1600
31.2000 31.2400 33.1400 33.1600 33.4000 35.0200 35.0400 35.0600 35.0800
35.1000 35.1200 35.1400 35.1800 35.7000 35.7200 35.8800 35.9000 35.9200
35.9400 35.9600 35.9800 42.9600 42.9800 43.0000


151.6250 151.6550 151.6850 151.7150 151.7450 151.7750 151.8050 151.8350
151.8650 151.8950 151.9250 151.9550 154.5150 154.5400 154.5700 154.6000
169.4450 169.5050 170.2450 170.3050 171.0450 171.1050 171.8450 171.9050


457.5125 457.5250 457.5375 457.5500 457.5625 457.5750 457.5875 457.6000
457.6125 467.7375 467.7500 467.7625 467.7750 467.7875 467.8000 467.8125
467.8250 467.8375 467.8500 467.8625 467.8750 467.8875 467.9000 467.9125

460.6625 460.6875 460.7125 460.7375 460.7625 460.7875 460.8125 460.8375
460.8625 460.8875 460.9125 460.9375 460.9625 460.9875

462.7625 462.7875 462.8125 462.8375 462.8625 462.8875 462.9125

461.0000 thru 462.1875 with 12.5Khz step
463.2000 thru 464.9875 with 12.5Khz step

465.6625 465.6875 465.7125 465.7375 465.7625 465.7875 465.8125 465.8375
465.8625 465.8875 465.9125 465.9375 465.9625 465.9875

466.0000 thru 467.1875 with 12.5Khz step
468.2000 thru 469.9875 with 12.5Khz step

ISM Band 902 - 928 Mhz (3M headsets)

920.0000 - 922.0000 with 12.5Khz step WIDE FM (Speaker)
903.0000 - 905.0000 with 12.5Khz step WIDE FM (Headset)

ISM Band 902 - 928 Mhz (HM Electronics)

902.0000 - 904.0000 with 12.5Khz step (Speaker)
926.0000 - 928.0000 with 12.5Khz step (Headset)

This list was compiled from numerous posts on the Internet news groups.
Business-band walkie-talkie radios can transmit of most of the frequencies.
2004-05-06 04:04:08 UTC
Reposted due to forged cancel. The person doing the cancels
should realize that these messages have been posted to other
newgroups and can be "copied and reposted" to this newsgroup.
Reposting enables me to keep these mesages updated.

alt.cable-tv is available from google.com
Thats a sore spot about the Icom R-3 Video rcvr....it STOPS at
2.450Gigs....while the Television and law enforcement community are at
2.450 to 2.500Ghz!! Why Icom did that is crazy. ...Eddie
I'm beginning to wonder if the law (FCC regulations or government
reguations) made them do that. Because I read an archived newsgroup post
that said something like "make no mistake about it. This is by design so
that you can not see these frequencies".
How true that post is or not, I don't know.
But I can kind of imagine it being true.
and I don't really doubt that it's true.
although I can't say for sure.
United States Code (U.S.C.):
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 119 > Sec. 2510.

''readily accessible to the general public'' means, with respect
to a radio communication, that such communication is not -

transmitted on frequencies allocated under part 25, subpart D, E, or F
of part 74, or part 94 of the Rules of the Federal Communications
Commission, unless, in the case of a communication transmitted on a
frequency allocated under part 74 that is not exclusively allocated to
broadcast auxiliary services, the communication is a two-way voice
communication by radio;

http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/18/2510.html ---

Part 74: Subpart F: Television Broadcast Auxiliary Stations
Sec. 74.602 Frequency assignment.

Band A MHz


(1) Frequencies shown above between 2450 and 2500 MHz in Band A are
allocated to accommodate the incidental radiations of industrial,
scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment, and stations operating
therein must accept any interference that may be caused by the
operation of such equipment. Frequencies between 2450 and 2500 MHz
are also shared with other communication services and exclusive
channel assignments will not be made, nor is the channeling shown
above necessarily that which will be employed by such other services.

http://tinyurl.com/2hkvb ---

18 USC 2510 declares that Part 74 frequencies are "forbidden" unless
they are Not Exclusive to Part 74, and it is not a voice communcation.
Part 74 Subpart F clearly states that 2450 to 2500 MHz are shared with
other sevices, and it's video, not audio. Therefore, it is NOT illegal
to intercept anything at 2450 and 2500 MHz. ------

PART 94 was removed and designated "Reserved" by order in Docket
No. 94-148, effective August 1, 1996. Part 101 has superseded Part 94.


Sec. 101.101 Frequency availability.

Sec. 101.109 Bandwidth.
2,450 to 2,483.5.......................... 625 KHz \2\
2,483.5 to 2,500.......................... 800 KHz
\2\ 1250 KHz, 1875 KHz, or 2500 KHz on a case-by-case basis.

Subpart H: Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service

Subpart I: Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service
http://tinyurl.com/2m7qo ----

Scanners & Communication Recievers that tune to the 2.5Ghz band:

Yaesu VR-5000,

AOR AR8600 Mark II

AOR AR5000+3B,
http://www.aorusa.com/ar5000.html &


Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for 'FCC Rules for Consumer Ownership of Cable Television Converter Boxes' (Questions and Answers)
LCD tv doesnt have a cable tuner. Will converter box work?
started 2008-03-01 20:42:09 UTC